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Data de Registo: 12-05-2023
Data de Aniversário: January 1
Hora Local: 09-10-2024 em 10:00 PM
Estado: (Oculto)

Informações do fórum de vaginayiud
Registado em: 12-05-2023
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Tempo gasto Online: (Oculto)
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Informação adicional sobre vaginayiud
Bio: What makes Beta-mannan™ separate from all the other Aloe vera dietary supplements?

The answer is basic.

In the fresh Aloe vera plant there are more than two hundred different substances.

A few of these compounds have strong laxative effects.

Other compounds might cause allergies.

Appropriately extracted, the recovery substances of Aloe vera are totally free of these laxative results and without the allergies that can accompany fresh Aloe vera gel and other incorrectly prepared Aloe supplements.

Vera-mannan™ contains only the extracted beta-mannans and beta-glucans which have actually been shown to possess the recovery benefits credited to Aloe vera with not one of the possible adverse effects.
Sex: Male