06-03-2022, 07:29 AM
There are many factors that make HIIT so effective, including pushing your heart rate into a specific training zone; impact forces greater than ten times your body weight; and performing exercises until failure. Because of these extreme characteristics, says Gottschall, it is imperative to adequately recover between sessions.
“The recovery period is when all the positive adaptions and developments take place and insufficient recovery can reduce your training’s effectiveness,” says Gottschall. In fact, it can actually have a negative impact. Despite feeling as though you’re pushing your body to maximum performance, you won’t be getting a good return on your hard work, and you may be doing more harm than good.
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“The recovery period is when all the positive adaptions and developments take place and insufficient recovery can reduce your training’s effectiveness,” says Gottschall. In fact, it can actually have a negative impact. Despite feeling as though you’re pushing your body to maximum performance, you won’t be getting a good return on your hard work, and you may be doing more harm than good.
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